Looking for the right cambium saver in tree climbing? In our wide range, you can choose from classic kambia protectors and adjustable kambia protectors. In this category, you will also find accessories, such as rings, tightening balls and cones, hooks as well as spare parts for cambium savers.
Arborist anchoring device / length 100, 120 and 150 cm / 25 kN / EN 795B
Arborist anchoring device / length 100, 120 and 150 cm / 25 kN / EN 795B
Arborist anchoring device / length 100, 120 and 150 cm / 25 kN / EN 795B
A new improved version of the well-known and popular PulleySAVER (cambia protector) with a pulley....
Cambia protector available in two lengths. It comes with a Retrieval Cone L.
Adjustable cambia protector with a length of 2m, which is made of a durable rope with a diameter of 12mm.
Rope with an eyelet to create an adjustment anchor point. Use only with ART ROPEGUIDE TwinLine!
Adjustable camber, mobile anchor point can be used for short and long rope. Easy for 2 climbers at the same...
Plastic protection of branches against rope damage. Available in two diameters.
Cambium saver with four adjustable positions. With a highly efficient pulley, it is suitable for the...
Multi-functional anchor point: can be used as cambia protector or trunk anchor point for climbing rope. 250 cm
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