For nature trips, treks and outdoor adventures, we have complete outdoor equipment and accessories specially designed for staying in nature. The wide assortment at includes hiking backpacks, sportswear, functional clothing, hats, mats, sleeping bags, tents, thermal clothing, trekking shoes and much more. In this category you will also find outdoor tableware and tasty ready-made food on the go which is quickly ready for consumption. A travel drug store will also come in handy for maintaining hygiene even in the middle of the forest.
High-quality folding knife designed for rescue purposes. Special edition.
Cute walking shoes with a hedgehog print for the safe walking of your little one.
Thermal insulation bag for 1-2 people to maintain body temperature.
Modern hand warmer with temperature setting and USB power bank function. Heating time 3 - 6 hours.
A card to get rid of ticks, splinters or thorns. Little big helper.
A classic stainless steel cutlery set including a fork, knife and spoon.
Expedition bag for travel or work equipment. It can be carried on the back as a backpack.
Elegantly, stylishly, always and everywhere! 330ml stainless steel glasses are waiting for white wine. The...
Knife = every man's friend. Knife = every woman's friend. Quality at a reasonable price.
High-capacity rechargeable battery for PETZL TACTIKKA, TACTIKKA CORE, TACTIKKA PLUS and TACTIKKA RGB...
Ergonomic transport bag with shoulder straps. Available in 65l and 85l volumes.
You don't even have to drink from a bottle in nature! The solution is here. Stackable stainless steel glass...
Ergonomic transport bag with shoulder straps. Available in 65l and 85l volumes.
Self-inflating mat - four-season
A light and practical knife made of high-quality steel. Can be clipped to the carabiner. Suitable for rocks.
Multipurpose eleven-point non-slip cleats on a silicone sleeve. The tips are made of stainless steel.
A unique plastic glass with a volume of 340 ml, which cannot be tipped over. It is intended for white wine.
Whistle reaching a volume of 108dB. Available in two colors.
A unique plastic glass that cannot be knocked over. It is intended for red wine. Volume 435ml.
Replacement filter for fuel pump hose for MSR stoves.
Vybavení do přírody by mělo být odolné, kvalitní a obstát i v horších klimatických podmínkách, ne-li až extrémních. Proto pro vás vybíráme produkty od spolehlivých značek, jako jsou Lifesystems, Yate, Ocún nebo Singing Rock, které se o vás během celé vaší cesty postarají a zajistí vám maximální komfort.
Objavte najnovšie výškové trendy, inovatívne produkty a zaujímavé akcie. Buďte v obraze s aktuálnymi bezpečnostnými upozorneniami a preskúmajte svet výšok!
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