Vážení zákazníci, pri nákupe nad 150 EUR máte doručenie ZADARMO! Tovar skladom odosielame do druhého dňa. Viac informácií.

Batohy a batožina, Strana 4

Doprava zdarma
Doprava zadarmo
Každá objednávka nad 150 euro má dopravu zadarmo.
Kamenná predajňa v Kolíne, v ktorej si môžete vyskúšať vybavenie na vlastnej koži.
Sami pracujeme ve výškách
Sami pracujeme vo výškach
Od roku 2007 sa venujeme arboristike a výškovým prácam. Vybavenie, ktoré predávame, sami používame.
Jednoduché vrácení zboží
Jednoduché vrátenie tovaru
Vaša spokojnosť je pre nás prioritou číslo jedna, a preto sa prípadné reklamácie snažíme vybaviť čo najrýchlejšie as maximálnou starostlivosťou.


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Glossary of terms

Master technical terms without unnecessary confusion! Discover our glossary and get a clear overview of technical terms. Learn and understand with comfort with our handy dictionary.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

For an easy and quick understanding of our services, try reading the FAQ section. Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our e-shop.

What are the conditions for complaints, returns or exchanges?

All information regarding complaints can be found in the "All about purchase" section or contact us by email or phone.

Do you have a physical store where I can view and try the goods?

Yes, our brick-and-mortar store is located in Kolín. We will be happy to advise you on the selection of suitable equipment, which you can try directly in our showroom.

Did you not receive the discount code, even if you followed the correct registration process?

Please, first go through the "bulk" or "SPAM" tab in your e-mail box, very often the e-mail with the code ends here. If you still haven't found your discount code, contact us at info@pavouci.cz

Is it possible to send the order to a country other than the Czech Republic and Slovakia?

Yes, the shipment can be sent almost anywhere via GLS. The price of this transport is calculated by the carrier.

Do you have any other questions? FAQ will help you!

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