You need a quality, safe and certified carabiner for your work or sports equipment > or clutch? In the categories you will find durolock and triple lock carabiners, which are necessary for safe work at heights and are also a safety standard around the world. We also offer twist lock, screw, nut, hook, palm and auxiliary carabiners. An integral part of the category are carabiners packed in multiple pieces and, as accessories, arresting rubber bands for carabiners.
This carabiner is proud of its pluses: light, fits in the hand, pleasant oval, three-action lock.
There are never enough carabiners! This one is suitable for mountain climbing, technical climbing and other...
Asymmetric carabiner in version with TRIACT-LOCK automatic safety.
Versatile aluminum D carabiner with triple action lock and integrated swivel.
Screw-in, extremely strong steel with a large opening of the lock. Suitable for work at heights.
Extremely strong steel carabiner for working at heights. Designed for industrial use, for work with pulleys...
Extremely strong steel carabiner for working at heights. Ideal for creating anchor points.
Compact oval carabiner easy to use, perfectly centered load, Locksafe ensures maximum safety.
The most popular three-position carabiner used in arboriculture. Available in four colors.
A carabiner with a detachable connecting eye intended for work positioning. Available in two colors.
A popular three-position carabiner used in arboriculture.
A popular three-position carabiner used in arboriculture.
Light and strong asymmetric carabiner with three-action lock.
Compact oval carabiner easy to use, perfectly centered load. Locksafe ensures maximum security.
Compact oval carabiner easy to use, perfectly centered load. Locksafe ensures maximum security.
Positioning bar to keep the carabiner in its main longitudinal axis. Ensures proper loading.
A popular material carrier. Available in two sizes.
Auxiliary material carabiner with stainless steel wire lock.
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