Grivel Mont Blanc, Page 6
Brand's website: Grivel Mont BlancGrivel
At the beginning of the 19th century, the Grivel family began actively shaping the history of mountaineering from their blacksmith’s workshop at the foot of Mont Blanc. Although modern machinery has replaced the once necessary strong hands, the forging process has remained unchanged in the production of today’s ice axes. During production, steel fibers are arranged uniformly to ensure maximum possible strength for a given thickness, and the heads are made from a single piece of steel (unlike multi-piece welded heads). As a result, these tools are aesthetically pleasing both to look at and to use.
Crampon manufacturing has also evolved thanks to modernized processes and, above all, higher-quality steel. Grivel exclusively uses a technology called 3 Dimensional Relief Stamping (3DRS), which increases the durability and strength not only of the crampon frame but also of each individual point. Under the Grivel brand, you will also find high-quality backpacks that will make your time in the mountains more enjoyable.
“We want to maintain our traditions and our connection to the mountains and the people who challenge them.
We will not sell our soul for greater profit, nor will we lose it by moving to another country.”
—Leonard Boff, Universal Ethos
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