136 items total
Choose from our range of outdoor backpacks and other practical bags, without which you cannot go not only for trekking, climbing, for sports , hiking, cycling, but not even for a short trip. We provide you with reliable and comfortable equipment for your outdoor adventures.
Expedition bag for travel or work equipment. It can be carried on the back as a backpack.
Large-volume travel bag / waterproof / volume 70, 90 and 120 liters / weight 1820, 2270 and 2650 g
Ergonomic transport bag with shoulder straps. Available in 65l and 85l volumes.
Ergonomic transport bag with shoulder straps. Available in 65l and 85l volumes.
30 liter bin that fits behind the back seat of the car.
A case for organizing things with a volume of 10 liters.
A case for organizing things with a volume of 5 liters.
TRAVERSE backpacks are made for use all year round on summits big and small, although the TRAVERSE...
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