A height worker specialized in fall arrest is a professional who works at heights and is equipped special equipment for catching a fall and minimizing the risk of injury in the case of an accident. This worker is equipped with safety harnesses, ropes, carabiners and other equipment that allows him to work safely on tall structures such as buildings, bridges, masts or towers. In the event of a fall, a safety system will be connected to it, which will restrain it and minimize the consequences of the fall.
This carabiner is proud of its pluses: light, fits in the hand, pleasant oval, three-action lock.
Protective work gloves with revolutionary technology that keeps gloved hands dry and cool.
Asymmetric carabiner in version with TRIACT-LOCK automatic safety.
Strong knitted work gloves suitable even for the coldest days.
Clutch for attaching PETZL TOOLBAG bags to the work harness. With a hole for threading a tool loop.
Steel hook. Suitable for work on lattice structures such as high voltage masts, traverses and others.
Robust backpack with a volume of 40 l, which is made of highly resistant PVC 500D.
A case for small tools and fasteners designed for work in rope access and work positioning.
Aluminum screw HMS carabiner with a diameter of 26 mm.
Light aluminum carabiner with three-action lock and swivel.
Fixed lifting bag for tools or material with a load capacity of 150 kg.
Very durable gloves for working with rope. Designed so that as many activities as possible can be carried...
Super light hook coupler with double safety, suitable for metal structures, traverses, etc. 55mm clearance.
Sturdy bag for tools or small material.
High visibility full body harness with D-shaped front and rear attachment points. Four sizes.
Screw-in, extremely strong steel with a large opening of the lock. Suitable for work at heights.
Extremely strong steel carabiner for working at heights. Designed for industrial use, for work with pulleys...
Extremely strong steel carabiner for working at heights. Ideal for creating anchor points.
A comfortable work helmet with ventilation holes and a six-point textile suspension system.
High visibility full body harness in yellow hi-viz color. Available in four sizes.
Lightweight, compatible hearing protectors with 32dB noise reduction. Suitable for working with a chainsaw.
Non-wetting, cut-resistant work gloves with the ability to grip oily parts. Size 7 - 11.
Flat 46mm wide strength sling suitable for a fall arrest system. Available in lengths of 1m, 2m and 3m.
Set of RidgeGear RGL9 shock absorber in length 1.8m and 2 pcs of RidgeGear RGK11SL carabiners. Great...
Light and strong asymmetric carabiner with three-action lock.
High-capacity rechargeable battery for PETZL TACTIKKA, TACTIKKA CORE, TACTIKKA PLUS and TACTIKKA RGB...
Comfortable full-body work harness designed for work at height. Available in three sizes and two colors.
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